The Fortunate

Don't feed the fortunate.
You possess several houses
So many autos.
More money than you know what to do with.

It's time you start,
Sharing with those in need.
Thousands in this country to feed.
Working their ass off
Rewarded with inadequate pay.
Too often they'd prefer to lay
Down and die,
Unable to do right,
By their families.

There's only one message for the politicians:
Don't feed the fortunate.
Don't feed the fortunate.
Please don't feed the fortunate.

Share the wealth.
Everyone's equal.
Let's make their lives the same.
Let it be a sequel.
Economic Egalitarian planning.
No more inadequate housing
No more crowding.
A nation that sees to it,
Provision of Basic Human Needs.
Employment with a living wage.
No more hunger into old age.

If only you just,
Don't be lax with the people's tax.
Don't feed the fortunate
Don't feed the fortunate.
Please don't feed the fortunate.

Copyright ©️ 2021 HeardWords America. 


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