Spheres of Ascents, an excerpt
How do I love my neighbor when. . .?
How do I love my neighbor when,
to love myself is such a labor?
To love God with my all
being one experienced in the Fall?
From whence I learn love
I have never known?
From a mother that was
never my own?
she, an Egyptian
I, a Jew.
Even she, the she that I AM,
spat me out of her iniquity.
I have always been alone.
How is it, now,
I am to receive
this Love uncreated
in Divine Energy?
Who is He that Is
to serve to me
a breast, a cup,
sustenance Incarnate?
In the field I have faced
the Other,
and there I dwell with Him
simply, in that Place.
“How pleasant it is…”
so goes the song.
Yet, no brother I can recall,
nor unity, for long!
Forget any thought
there may be
for them,
and their lovingness,
so many, they are
to nothingness
alikened to being beyond the stars.
I and Thou
can be here, now;
then, why do I run;
reveals the illumining Son.
What trust I have
I have obtained.
No trust has ever been
freely given or sustained.
In my lust for the Lover
the soul finds its Self impassioned
to acquire for its own
not waiting nor wanting
to be a brother.
It is safer to be alone.
The older I grow
these eyes can see
the pompous parade is afraid of me.
The poor child that was I, did not know
and is still recovering
from the masks of doubt and shame
born of the failed trust of others
yet not in my own Name.
that daughter of Wisdom
came to me frequently
in dreams.
There was I!
only to trust;
without confidence
I was abust.
The above is a section from my psycho-spiritual autobiographical
poem, “Spheres of Ascents”
Copyright (c) 1996 – 2010 HeardWords America.
To be published by HeardWords Press.
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