After These TimeWalls Have Fallen

TimeWalls I had built
So my life would never be spilt
Into another life of mine
Separate one from the other, each could never find.

First twenty years felt so slow.
Much I had suppressed, never to let go.

The next twenty years I was living in my sleep.
Hearts and minds I was stealing; none did I keep.

The third twenty years, the days have slowed.
A little bit enlightened with more pain showed.

Still there were people around and I remained;
alone, never really sure what I’ve gained.

No great career, no great achievements.
No great contributions, no congratulations.

The only riches I have acquired is in self-knowledge.
Could never be found in any college, this Wisdom of knowing who I am, who I’m not .

In such wisdom of self-knowing.
The soul begins to understand Divine Showing.

In me is He
He in me is authenticity
The only response I have callin’
Is my soul growin’
After these TimeWalls have Fallen.

Copyright ©️ 2020 HeardWords America


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